Highlights from 2014 – A momentous year of science for forests and people
From bolaina to bushmeat, from palm oil to poverty, the research that CIFOR scientists published in 2014 was as varied as the tropical world it covered. As we head into 2015, the year expected to deliver new international climate and development frameworks, we look back on the highlights of a busy, exciting year in international forestry research, demonstrating the importance of forests and landscapes for the future of the planet.
Global Landscapes Forum 2014 is carbon neutral
The Global Landscapes Forum 2014 is carbon neutral. The Swiss-based company South Pole Carbon has agreed to support an offset project for reforestation in Colombia to make up for the Forum’s CO2 emissions. The Director of Forestry and Land Use for South Pole Carbon, Christian Dannecker, says it “naturally made sense” for them to make GLF carbon neutral. “The Forum brings together key decision […]
Voting opens for top 20 questions on forestry and landscapes
The T20Q project is calling for people around the world to cast their votes in the project’s second phase, launched on 14 November. The project aims to identify 20 key research and policy questions for forestry and landscapes, as written and selected by the general public, with the goal of identifying research areas that reflect […]
CGIAR: Share your priorities for agricultural research
What should be the priorities for agricultural research and innovation? What should be the priorities for publicly funded international research on agriculture in a development context? What should be the priorities for the CGIAR and its partners in research, in development and the private sector? And how do these priorities link back to the Sustainable […]
CIFOR workshop targets Zambian Media Editors
It was a first for CIFOR, and also a first for editors from Zambia’s leading newspapers and broadcasters, who gathered in Nyimba in eastern Zambia for a two-day workshop to examine the state of environmental reporting in the country, and to find ways to increase the number and improve the quality of stories dealing with […]
Mexican environmentalist winner of 2014 Wangari Maathai Award
Mexican environmentalist Martha Isabel Ruiz Corzo is this year’s winner of the Wangari Maathai Award, receiving the prize at the XXVI IUFRO World Congress in Salt Lake City for her extraordinary work in preserving the forests of the Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve in the state of Querétaro, México. Ruiz Corso founded the Grupo Ecológico Sierra […]
CIFOR scientist appointed as IUFRO’s Latin American President
One of CIFOR’s principal scientists has been appointed the President’s Nominee and Regional Liaison for Latin America for the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) for the period 2014-2019. Manuel Guariguata, Principal Scientist and Team Leader of CIFOR’s Lima hub (pictured left, meeting with Fabiola Muñoz, Director of National Forestry and Wildlife Service, and […]
CIFOR embarks on new global comparative study on tenure security
The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) has launched a new action research program to better understand the impact that recent land tenure reforms have had on the tenure security and the well-being of forest dependent communities in Indonesia, Uganda and Peru. Two decades of tenure reforms in Africa, Asia and Latin America have provided […]
Now available: CIFOR book on methods for research, fieldwork
Thousands of surveys on rural livelihoods in developing countries are conducted every year. Sadly, many suffer from weaknesses in methods and implementation. A book published by CIFOR, “Measuring Livelihoods and Environmental Dependence” — available for the first time in a free, downloadable format — describes how to improve the design and implementation of household and […]
Welcome to the new CIFOR.org!
We’re proud to announce the launch of our refreshed CIFOR.org website! Keeping our busy readers in mind, we’ve made it easier to access from any device with a new responsive design, which works on all smartphones, tablets and computers and modern browsers. We’ve also built new features, including CIFOR TV, where you can access all of our videos […]