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Abstract – Success stories on Community-Based Forestry

20 Dec 2021

Context Over the past 40 years, several countries in the world have adopted different models of community-based forestry (CBF). Community-based forestry (CBF) includes “initiatives, sciences, policies, institutions and processes that are intended to increase the role of local people in governing and managing forest resources”. In practice, CBF is used as an umbrella term that […]

Honoring the life of Dr. David Solis Chávez

29 Apr 2021

The team members of CIFOR’s Global Comparative Study (GCS) on REDD+ regret the recent loss of Dr. David Solis Chávez (1978-2021), who made important contributions to the project during and after his time as a Ph.D. student at North Carolina State University.

Call for papers Special Issue “The Governance of Natural Forest Regrowth as a Restoration Option”

18 Feb 2021

Guest Editors: Dr. Manuel R. Guariguata, CIFOR; Dr. Lalisa Duguma, ICRAF; Dr. Pham Thu Thuy, CIFOR. Deadline for manuscript submissions: 30 September 2021.