CGIAR: Share your priorities for agricultural research

What should be the priorities for agricultural research and innovation? What should be the priorities for publicly funded international research on agriculture in a development context? What should be the priorities for the CGIAR and its partners in research, in development and the private sector? And how do these priorities link back to the Sustainable Development Goals?

CGIAR is putting out a call for input into these questions and more, to inform its strategy review process. From now through December 2014, stakeholders and partners are invited to provide inputs or feedback on emerging key elements in the CGIAR Strategy and Results Framework, such as: vision; mission; goals; niche, and others, as summarized in the SRF Summary Document.

Stakeholder feedback will be used in the development of the next draft of the SRF, due out in January 2015. Feedback will also be collected and shared on a dedicated online space at

To learn more about how to participate, visit the CGIAR news story.