Since 2019, CIFOR-ICRAF and partners have been conducting research to help address intractable challenges in the trade of sustainable palm oil, coffee, and wildlife in Indonesia. This research, which has included studies on green trade initiatives to benefit forest landscapes and surrounding communities, was conducted under the Trade, Development, and the Environment Hub (TRADE Hub) – a global research consortium led by the UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP WCMC) and supported by the UK Research and Innovation Global Challenges Research Fund (UKRI GCRF). Following five years of activities, this research will come to an end in March 2024.
The TRADE Hub research team in Indonesia has produced scientific publications, technical guidelines, and an Android-based game to disseminate its research findings. In addition to conducting conventional research, the team has implemented action research on the ground with CIFOR leading the facilitation of independent oil palm smallholders in Segati Village, Pelalawan Regency, Riau; and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) with coffee smallholders in Lampung. The University of Indonesia has conducted further studies into sustainable financing, while IPB University has led capacity building activities for the science community and beyond. Other key publications have been on sustainable palm oil trade pathways from participatory science-policy interface activities implemented with key stakeholders in Indonesia, and a study into the online trade in songbirds in Indonesia.