Initially developed as a board game, the Landscape Game was developed based on game theory to help understand the dynamics of land competition, policy measures and sustainability of a landscape. This game introduces landscape conservation, development, environmental services risks and investment alternatives. The game aims to provide a model where stakeholders can learn rapidly how human strategies impact a landscape mosaic where competing land uses, local dan global trade exist (Purnomo et al. 2017). This first version was developed by Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) in collaboration with Agate Studio during 2004-2014 and drew inspiration from popular games such as Monopoly, SimCity and American Farmer.
Building on the first version, the Landscape Game 2 is developed as one of outputs from the research project to promote landscape approach and sustainable trade. The game is developed in collaboration again with Agate Studio. The target audience of the game is mainly but not limited to youth; the game is also for policy makers, practitioners, and activists. Starting from a brainstorming session in March 2023, CIFOR and Agate Studio developed the game concept and design; including the logic, mechanics and user interface. The first workshop held in 16 June 2023 tested the game concept by asking participants to play the game in card version. Apart from the research team, there were also three IPB University students who also tried the game.
The first build of Android-based application of the game was firstly tested in the workshop held in 15 September 2023. The game can be played in single or multiplayer mode. 20 IPB University students were invited to participate in this workshop, all of them with forestry or natural resources and environment management background. In groups of four members, they learned how to play and win the game while also observed the user interface of the game. The workshop also allowed the research and Agate Studio team to identify the device and network requirements to play the game. The students then were also invited to the workshop held in 29 September 2023.
Looking for perpectives from wider audience of youth, the team held a larger workshop inviting high school students, young researchers, activists, and university students from various field backgroud. Held in 27 October 2023 at CIFOR-ICRAF Campus, Bogor, the workshop themed “Youth and Landscape Game 2: Play landscape investment and trade towards a sustainable earth” was attended by a total of 132 participants. The game gave positive impression among the participants and received valuable inputs.
Progressing in developing the final build of the game, the team still organize testings whenever possible and are open for collaboration. The Landscape Game 2 hopefully can be widely utilized by public for free. Click the following link to download the latest version of the game and please looking forward for the launching event in March 2024:
Device requirements: Android device, OS 8.0 up, Min RAM 4GB, Min Storage 200MB
This game development is part of TRADE Hub research project in which CIFOR has involved since 2019. GCRF Trade, Development, and the Environment Hub (TRADE Hub) is a global research consortium focusing on addressing intractable challenges in implementation of sustainable global trade of agriculture and wildlife. TRADE Hub in Indonesia aims to make global trade of palm oil, coffee, and wildlife delivers benefits for Indonesia while reducing impacts to high-risk forested landscapes and their rural communities.