
Appel d’offres: Fourniture d’équipements et machines de cogénération d’électricité et de chaleur à partir de biomasse ligneuse

13 Nov 2020

Le Centre de recherche forestière internationale (CIFOR), à travers la société sia Resources and Synergies Development Construction lance le présent appel d’offres relatif à la fourniture d’équipements et machines de cogénération d’électricité et de chaleur à partir de biomasse ligneuse, assemblage de ces équipements et machines sur le site de Yangambi, République démocratique du Congo. […]

Ouverture de la première tour à flux de carbone du bassin du Congo à Yangambi

13 Oct 2020

Avec l’objectif de mieux comprendre la contribution des forêts tropicales à l’atténuation du changement climatique, Yangambi abrite désormais la première tour à flux au cœur du bassin du Congo pour l’étude des échanges de gaz à effet de serre entre la forêt et l’atmosphère. Construite par l’Université de Gand, le Centre de recherche forestière internationale […]

Q+A: How an “engagement landscape” in DRC’s Yangambi can make a difference

09 Sep 2020

In 2005, there were only six forestry specialists with a postgraduate degree in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Fast-forward to 2020, and the number has increased to over 220 with master’s and doctoral degrees. In addition, there are many more skilled technicians who are highly qualified to sustainably manage the country’s vast tropical forests. […]

Are forests the answer to an uncertain future for coffee?

06 Sep 2020

Our morning cup of coffee is under threat from climate change, scientists have warned

“Engagement landscape” concept takes shape in DRC’s Yangambi

04 Sep 2020

CIFOR-ICRAF scientists define model for new sustainable strategy

Invitation to tender: Supply of a water well drilling machine and its accessories

11 Aug 2020

A public tender for the supply of drilling equipment for a water well and its accessories in Yangambi

Are forests the answer to an uncertain future for coffee?

06 Mar 2020

Our morning cup of coffee is under threat from climate change, scientists have warned. Although projections vary on the crop’s capacity to adapt to rising global temperatures, it is certain that the areas with a suitable climate for coffee cultivation will significantly shrink in the upcoming decades, challenging global production capacity. Moreover, heatwaves and unreliable […]

FORETS supports Congolese communities to obtain forest title

07 Feb 2020

Once communities obtain the title of LCFC they should be allowed to freely exploit the forest for subsistence or commercial uses

Energizing degraded land in the Congo Basin

04 Dec 2019

Text by Ahtziri Gonzalez and photos by Axel Fassio | CIFOR Located in northeast Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), in the heart of the Congo Basin, the Yangambi Research Station was once a thriving center for the study of tropical agriculture and forestry. From the 1930s until independence, this colonial institution was home to more than 700 scientists […]