International Maritime Webinar Series II: Blue Carbon For A Sustainable Blue Economy

09 Jun 2020, Online (Zoom meeting)

Indonesia and Australia have been collaborating on marine and coastal science and sustainability. Among other means of knowledge and experience exchange is co-organising a webinar series. In this context, Blue Carbon and its opportunities in the Blue Economy is high in the agenda.

The webinar is designed to reach out broader audience to enlighten about what Blue Carbon is all about, how are they assessed, what are the financial and environmental benefits?

It is expected the collaboration is maintained and benefit the feedback from broad audiences when the messages are properly conveyed to them.



Tertius de Kluyver

Senior Policy Analyst at the Department
of the Environment of the Government of Australia

Andreas A. Hutahaean

Coordinating Ministry for Maritime & Investment Affairs – Indonesia

Daniel Murdiyarso

Principal Scientist, CIFOR

Steven Lutz

Programme Leader, Blue Carbon, Grid Arendal – Norway

Mat Vanderklift

Senior Principal Research Scientist, CSIRO – Australia


Andy Steven

The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)-Australia




GMT +7
