Share this Send to email Further readings publication 2020 Model-model partisipasi dalam forum multipemangku kepentingan: Temuan dari sebuah tinjauan sintesis realis publication 2020 REDD+ in Indonesia: A new mode of governance or just another project? publication 2020 Apa peran pemerintah subnasional dalam Kontribusi yang Ditetapkan Secara Nasional?: Antara retorika dan praktik di negara-negara REDD+ publication 2020 Integrated assessment of deforestation drivers and their alignment with subnational climate change mitigation efforts publication 2020 Forestry decentralization in the context of global carbon priorities: New challenges for subnational governments publication 2020 REDD+ in theory and practice: How lessons from local projects can inform jurisdictional approaches publication 2019 Incorporating blue carbon into Nationally Determined Contributions: Current status, opportunities and challenges of 13 Asia-Pacific countries publication 2019 Learning through practice? Learning from the REDD+ demonstration project, Kalimantan Forests and Climate Partnership (KFCP) in Indonesia publication 2019 Does income inequality influence subjective wellbeing? Evidence from 21 developing countries publication 2019 Between localism and internationalism: Multi-level governance, land use decision-making, and REDD+ in Central Kalimantan province, Indonesia publication 2019 The Adaptive Collaborative Management Multi-Stakeholder Forum: Jambi, Indonesia publication 2019 The SIPKEBUN Working Group Multi-Stakeholder Forum: Central Kalimantan, Indonesia publication 2019 Dewan Daerah Perubahan Iklim: Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia publication 2019 Forum Kelompok Kerja Multipihak SIPKEBUN: Kalimantan Tengah, Indonesia publication 2019 Forum Multipihak Pengelolaan Bersama Secara Adaptif: Jambi, Indonesia 1 2 Next »