Rocio A. Diaz-Chavez

Dr Rocio A Diaz-Chavez is the Deputy Director for Research and Energy and Climate Change Programme Leader at SEI Africa.

Dr Diaz-Chavez has extensive work and academic experience in sustainability assessment and environmental management tools and methodologies. Her research area focus on the sustainability assessment and deployment of bioeconomy, land use and natural resources and the synergies with energy, sustainability and other SDGs. She has participated and coordinated different EU funded projects and worked in different consultancy work for the European Commission as well as in other regions in Africa, Asia and Latin America. She formed part of the FAO and UK experts group for indicators development for the Global Bioenergy Partnership. She acted as Chair of the Social Group while developing the Bioenergy Standard for the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO). She has been the co-chair of the International Energy Agency for the UK Task 40 (Biomass trading). She is a Visiting Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Environmental Policy of Imperial College London. She received the SCOPE 2010 Young Scientist Award in Environmental Management for her work on indicators and standards.