Marc Dumas-Johansen is a forest and land use specialist in the Division of Mitigation and Adaptation at the Green Climate Fund (GCF), based in Incheon, Republic of Korea. Marc leads and coordinates the review of forest and land use and related projects from project ideas to full funding proposals presented to the GCF board for approval. Marc is currently coordinating the development of the GCF Forests and Land Use sector guidance and the development of a large-scale umbrella programme on the Great Green Wall.
Prior to the GCF, Marc worked with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in several positions, first as a forest and climate change officer with the Forestry Department based in Rome, Italy working on the integration of climate change into forest policies. Later Marc moved to the FAO subregional office for Southern Africa in Harare, Zimbabwe where Marc concentrated on supporting countries developing forest and climate change projects targeting GEF funding. Afterwards Marc moved to FAO’s Global Environment Facility unit in Rome working with the African region supporting the development and implementation of natural resources FAO-GEF projects.
Marc started his career in Cambodia and Viet Nam working for a local NGO on agricultural development and later in Viet Nam working with the World Agroforestry Centre on climate resilient agroforestry systems in North western Vietnam.
Marc holds a Bachelor and Master degree in Horticultural sciences from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Marc is a Danish and French citizen with Vietnamese roots.