“Over the last two years, the global public has become increasingly aware of the threat ofclimate change in general, and the role of deforestation in exacerbating that threat inparticular. Nevertheless, the linkages between forests and climate change - and themagnitude of the challenges to addressing them - remain underappreciated.”
Frances Seymour, has been at the forefront of international discussions around on forestsand climate change, including negotiations with the Conference of the Parties to theFramework Convention on Climate Change, Asia Forestry Week and the upcoming ForestDay 2 - UNFCCC COP 14 Parallel Event.
“Over the last two years, the global public has become increasingly aware of the threat ofclimate change in general, and the role of deforestation in exacerbating that threat inparticular. Nevertheless, the linkages between forests and climate change – and themagnitude of the challenges to addressing them – remain underappreciated.”
Frances Seymour, has been at the forefront of international discussions around on forestsand climate change, including negotiations with the Conference of the Parties to theFramework Convention on Climate Change, Asia Forestry Week and the upcoming ForestDay 2 – UNFCCC COP 14 Parallel Event.