Workshop on Forest Governance and Decentralisation in Asia and the Pacific

04 - 06 Sep 2006,

4-6 September 2006, Yogyakarta – Indonesia

The Asia Forest Partnership (AFP) is sponsoring the Yogyakarta Workshop on “Forest Governance and Decentralisation in Asia and the Pacific,” hosted by the Government of Indonesia, from 4-6 September 2006. The Workshop will focus on roles, rights, responsibilities and institutions, with special attention to gender, law enforcement, equity, land tenure and use, land rehabilitation, and fire. The three-day meeting will include one day of field trips around Yogyakarta to see Indonesian decentralization in action. Other active partners include FAO, RECOFTC, the Philippines Department of Environment and Natural Resources, the Swiss InterCooperation and FOEN, ITTO, and CIFOR.

The Yogyakarta Workshop on Forest Governance and Decentralisation in Asia and the Pacific will include some 80-100 invited participants, coming from various sectors (e.g., government, academia, NGOs, research institutions, donors). The first day, eight analytical presentations will be made, representing a number of the Asia Forest Partnership countries. The field trip will focus attention on Indonesia’s experience; and the final day will consist of intense, facilitated working group sessions, designed to develop recommendations and lessons learned from the workshop. These may be forwarded to UNFF. Special efforts are being made to ensure representation from all levels in the decentralization process, from national to local.

The objectives are to share experiences and lessons learned, to identify the implications of trends at the various levels, and to recommend approaches that will strengthen policies, institutions and practices in Asian and Pacific countries. Expected outcomes include

  • Better understanding of the concept and implementation of decentralization in the region
  • Identification of opportunities for complementary national policy responses, capacity building and best practices,
  • Identification of strategies and instruments for overcoming constraints to effective decentralization and sustainable forest management at all levels, and
  • Determination of mechanisms and activities to ensure the follow up on the recommendations of the workshop

We expect to have a poster session and limited opportunities for side events at the Decentralization Workshop, 4-6 September 2006. The nature of the side events is not yet completely defined, but should offer opportunities to present papers or meet with informal groups. Please notify about your poster or side event interests by 30 July, so that appropriate preparations can be made.

If you wish to present a paper in a side event, we suggest the following guidelines:

Paper Presentations

The oral presentation of a paper should be limited to 12-minutes. Speakers should rely on handouts for all supplemental materials; however, a 35-mm slide projector, an overhead projector for transparencies, and a video projector for PowerPoint presentations are potentially available. Be sure to notify Ms. Nety Tarigan about your equipment wishes by 30 July.

Recognize the constraints imposed on paper presentation:

  1. The short time of only 12 minutes (with an additional 3 minutes for questions)
  2. The context must be related with decentralization in the forest sector.

You should have available for distribution, copies of a printed version of your paper with the details of the research (25 copies or more) and/or a sign-up sheet on which interested people can request the paper. Be sure to indicate on the paper your identification, the conference source reference, and whether or not it may be quoted.

Poster Presentations

Poster presentations provide the opportunity for the presenter and the audience to talk with one another. A physical arrangement similar to an exhibit area is used for this interaction. Each presenter is provided with a freestanding bulletin board, usually around 1.20 m (high) by 80 cm (wide), on which to display the poster. During the designated period, the audience moves through the poster display, stopping to interact with those who are presenting research that is of special interest to them. Thus, the interaction between the presenters and the audience is likely to be more meaningful than is typically the case in paper sessions. Therefore, when constructing your poster, remember to utilize the opportunities provided by this method of presentation.

Content: related with decentralization of forestry

Those wanting further information can contact Nety Tarigan (

For more details, see the flyer ( PDF file, 614KB)