Training workshop on field sampling protocol for C-Stocks assessments in tropical wetland ecosystems

10 - 23 Jun 2012, Ho Chi Minh City and Ca Mau

  • Day 1 to 3 (10-12 June), Workshop at Can Gio Resort, Ho Chi Minh City.
  • Day 4 to 7 (13-16 June 2012)
    Field trip for implementation and sampling at Can Gio Mangrove Biosphere Reserve.
  • Day 8 (17 June 2012)
    Move by air from Ho Chi Minh City to Ca Mau. Opening and briefing.
  • Day 9 to 13 (18-22 June2012)
    Field implementation and sampling at Kien Vang Protection Mangrove Forest.
  • Day 14 (23 June2012)
  • Summary, closing, and return to Ho Chi Minh City.

Please click here for the complete schedule