23-28 August 2010 in Seoul, Republic of Korea.
The 23 IUFRO World Congress ‘Forests for the Future: Sustaining Society and the Environment’ will take place in Seoul, Republic of Korea, 23–28 August 2010.
To promote the event, IUFRO will send out media releases highlighting each of the nine themes to be addressed at the congress. The topics and the planned release date are:
Keep Asia green | October 2009 |
Forests and climate change | November 2009 |
Frontiers in forest and tree health | December 2009 |
Forest environmental services | January 2010 |
Biodiversity conservation and sustainable use of forest resources | February 2010 |
Forests, communities and cultures | March 2010 |
Emerging technologies in the forest sector | April 2010 |
Forest products and production processes for a greener future | May 2010 |
Forests, human health and environmental security | June 2010 |
More information
IUFRO Headquarters – Secretariat
International Union of Forest Research Organizations
Mariabrunn (BFW), Hauptstrasse 7
A 1140 Vienna, Austria
Fax: +43-1-877 0151-50
Link: www.iufro2010.com
Website: www.iufro.org