Society Wetland Scientists (SWS) held its annual meeting with the theme “Wetland Sciences 2021: Adaptation Drives Innovation” from 1 June to 10 June, 2021. At this virtual event, wetland scientists from across the globe ‘gathered’ to discuss and share the latest development in wetland science. This virtual meeting provided opportunities for various engagement among the attendees, including symposia, contributed sessions, workshops, and plenary sessions.
Daniel Murdiyarso, Principal Scientist, CIFOR
Incorporating wetlands in forest reference emission levels [pptx file 25MB]
Richard MacKenzie, Ecologist. USDA Forest Service (USFS)
Biotic and abiotic drivers that impact the ability of Pacific high island mangrove forests to keep up with sea level rise [pptx file 76MB]
Trialaksita Ardhani, CIFOR Research Fellow
Degraded mangrove structure: What to restore? [pptx file 66MB]
Pham Hong Tinh, from Hanoi University of Natural Resources and Environment
Sources of degradation in Vietnam mangroves and their impact on function [pptx file 74MB]
Kristell Hergoualc’h, CIFOR Senior Scientist
Soil greenhouse gas emission factors for tropical peatlands [pptx file 31MB]
Erin Swails, CIFOR Post Doc Researcher
Process-based modelling of peat greenhouse gas emissions in Indonesian peatlands [pptx file 31MB]
Lizardo Fachin, a researcher at Instituto de Investigaciones de la AmazonÃa Peruana (IIAP)
Advancements into climate regulation of peatland greenhouse gases fluxes: An experience in a tropical peatland, Iquitos, Peru [pptx file 30MB]
Rupesh Bhomia, Scientist, CIFOR
Criteria and Indicator approaches towards better monitoring and management of tropical peatlands [pptx file 27MB]
Pham Thu Thuy, Senior Scientist CIFOR
Effectiveness of financial incentives for mangrove protection and development in Vietnam [pptx file 13MB]
Erik Lilleskov, Researcher, USDA Forest Service
Comparing threats, challenges and opportunities in South American tropical mountain peatlands and lowland peatlands [pptx file 111MB]
Laura Bourgeau-Chavez, a Senior Research Scientist at Michigan Tech Research Institute
Tropical alpine and lowland peatland mapping challenges and advances [pptx file 100MB]
Juan Benavides, a Professor from the Javiariana University
Mountain peatlands in the northern Andes and their relevance in the national GHG inventories [pptx file 67MB]
Esteban Suarez, a Professor from the Universidad San Francisco de Quito