Side Event at the Ninth Conference of the Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Bonn, Germany. May 22, 2008

22 May 2008,

The Bigger Picture Of Forest Conservation: What Is The Demand For Landscape Approaches?


In response to the increasing challenges of conserving forest biodiversity in tropical, developing countries, landscape- and ecosystem-level approaches that are inclusive of, but broader than, protected areas have been presented as potential, adaptive solutions to mediating the trade-offs between conservation and livelihoods. However, for who, when and where are these approaches needed? What should research on landscapes address, and what type of information and for whom? And, what should an ideal, flexible “landscape approach” look like? Through a series of presentations and panel discussion, representatives from international research centres and conservation agencies will address these questions with the aim of working towards an account of best practice in landscape approaches and outlining a consensus on the future direction of landscape approaches to forest conservation.

Main Speakers:

  • Jeff Sayer (chairperson)
    Science Advisor to the IUCN Forest Conservation Program
  • Meine van Noordwijk
    Global science advisor to the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)
  • Alain Billand
    Head of Research, Forest Resources and Policies Department, CIRAD

Additional panelists: Gill Shepherd (Overseas Development Institute and Commission for Ecosystem Management, IUCN), Robert Nasi (CIFOR), Andre Kamden Toham (WWF Central African Regional Programme Office), Jürgen Blaser (Intercooperation)

Date and Time: 22 May 13.15 – 14.45, Room S1 / S2, Stresemann (GSI)

Food and refreshments provided.

Organised by the Center for International Forestry Research and the CIFOR-ICRAF Joint Biodiversity Platform.

For more information contact:

John Watts
Research and Communications Officer
CIFOR-ICRAF Biodiversity Platform
Tel : ext.305
Fax :+62 251 622 100