Report on Forest Day 2 for Central Africa

10 - 11 Nov 2009,

Report on Forest Day 2 for Central Africa

Congo Basin forests and climate change: Advances and challenges ahead of Copenhagen

10 November 2009 Palais des Congrès, Yaoundé, Cameroon

Forest Day 2 Central Africa was organised and hosted by CIFOR in partnership with the Commission for Central African Forests (COMIFAC) and the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP). The initiative was a follow up to the first Forest Day Central Africa organised in the region in April 2008, and defined as ‘a roadside show’ for Forest Day 3 which CIFOR would hold on 13 December 2009 in Copenhagen on the margins of the UNFCCC’s 15th Conference of the Parties. Forest Day 2 Central Africa brought together 250 participants from a diverse range of stakeholders from the region and beyond, to discuss key issues linked with forests and climate change in Central Africa. The event consisted of two plenary sessions and four parallel sessions in which the following themes were discussed:

  • Tackling climate change: Increasing capacity and/or simplifying procedures?
  • Socio-economic impacts of REDD: Governance issues at the macro, meso and micro levels
  • Adaptation of societies and forests to climate change
  • Tackling climate change: New initiatives or grafts on existing projects?

In addition, Forest Day also featured a Forest Café forum and 10 posters and exhibition booths.

Click here to download the report. Click here to download the French description of the event.