Regional Training On Carbon Stock Assessment In Forested Wetlands

24 Apr - 08 May 2013, Thailand

24-26 April 2013, Bangkok, Thailand with optional field visit to Laem Phak Bia Royal Project and 29 April-8 May 2013 Trang, Thailand with field work in nearby rehabilitated and undisturbed mangrove ecosystems

An initial regional training will be conducted in Thailand in April and May of 2013, through a collaborative effort of the USAID/RDMA-funded Low Emissions Asian Development (LEAD) and Lowering Emissions in Asia’s Forests (LEAF) programs, and the jointly-supported Sustainable Wetlands Adaptation and Mitigation Program (SWAMP).

The regional training will consist of two consecutive events, one designed for policy makers and one designed for scientists and field practitioners. These events are summarized below, with additional details and course outlines to follow shortly. Course instructors include: Dr. Richard MacKenzie (USFS/IPIF), Dr. Daniel Murdiyarso (CIFOR), Patra Foulk (USFS/IP), Dr. Joko Purbopuspito (CIFOR), Dr. Amornwan “Mai” Resanond (LEAD), Todd Johnson (LEAD), Peter Stephen (LEAF), and Jeremy Broadhead (LEAF).

It is expected that participants will be invited from Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Vietnam, and Thailand. Participants will be provided a registration packet with details on travel and other logistics upon acceptance of their invitation.

Contact person:

Beth Lebow
Asia-Pacific Program
US Forest Service International Programs Office
Office: (412) 421-0709
Cell: (202) 660-8797

For more detail click here.