A discussion on forest climate policies beyond carbon, hosted by the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), the Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and the Zentrum fur Enwicklungs Forschung (ZEF), on the occasion of the 36th session of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) in Bonn, Germany
Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung (ZEF), University of Bonn, Walter-Flex-Str. 3, 53113 Bonn, Germany
Wednesday 23 May 2012
8.45 am – 12.30 pm
Tree cover influences rainfall. With the focus on REDD, carbon accounting, emissions and global climate change, little attention is being paid to the more direct and tangible influences that trees and forests have on the temperature, humidity and windspeed in which humans, crops and livestock live, and on the landscape and regional patterns of rainfall. Speakers and panel members will debate how far the science of forest climate policies beyond carbon has come, what could be the implications for current climate negotiations and what further research, discussions and negotiations can take this issue into the world of policies and action.
8.45 | Coffee available |
9.00-9.15 | Welcome addresses |
Block A: New scientific insights chaired by ZEF | |
9.15-9.35 | Rainbow water, the missing colour. Meine van Noordwijk (ICRAF) |
9.35-9.55 | Precipitation sheds. Patrick Keys |
9.55-10.05 | What trees can tell us about climate variability and change. Aster Gebrekirstos and Oleg Panferov |
10.05-10.15 | How the new West Africa climate centre will further this agenda. Grace Villamor and Paul Vlek |
10.15-10.30 | Coffee break |
Block B: How does this relate to current climate policies and negotiations chaired by Bruno Locatelli (CIRAD-CIFOR) | |
10.30-10.40 | Need for climate policy beyond mitigation and adaptation. Peter Minang and IISD |
10.40-10.45 | Discussant comments. Bart Muys and Bruno Verbist (European Forestry Institute) |
10-45-11.05 | Discussion on relevance for new, more regional climate negotiations on land cover and water balance |
Block C: Priorities for linking this emerging science to policy action in climate policies and negotiations chaired by Henry Neufeldt (ICRAF) | |
11.05-11.40 | Brainstorm groups |
11.40-11.50 | Plenary reporting |
11.50-12.00 | Closing remarks |
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For further information, contact: Meine van Noordwijk (ICRAF), m.vannoordwijk@cgiar.org; Bruno Locatelli (CIRAD-CIFOR), b.locatelli@cgiar.org; Grace Villamor (ZEF), grace.villamor@uni-bonn.de.