Poverty Reduction through Forestry-related Activities in Asia

26 Apr 2008,

A Seminar on IFAD supported forestry-related programmes in collaboration with CIFOR, ICIMOD and ICRAF
26 April 2008


Sub-seminar – Launching booklet ‘Payment for Environmental Services – Lessons and Experiences in Vietnam’
8.00 – 8.10 Opening remarks. IFAD
8.10 – 8.15 Overview and the objectives of the booklet. Dr.Hoang Minh Ha
8.15 – 8.20 Lessons learnt from RUPES. PhD candidate Leimona Beria
8.20 – 8.25 PES in policy in Vietnam. Dr. Kadi Warner
8.25 – 8.30 PES message from IUCN. Dr. Bernard O’Calahan
8.30 – 8.35 PES messages from WWF.Ms. Dang Thuy Nga/Dr Richard M
8.35 – 8.40 PES message from Forest Science Institute of Vietnam. Msc. Vu Tan Phuong
8.40 – 9.00 Group photo and book delivery ICRAF Vietnam
Main Seminar: Experiences from IFAD-funded grants programmes on poverty reduction through forestry: CIFOR, ICIMOD, ICRAF:
9:10 – 9:25 CIFOR 651: Programme for Improving Income Generation for Forest Communities through IFAD’s Loan Portfolio (CIFOR)
9:25 – 9:40 IFAD funded investment project: NERCRMP’s experience (NERCRMP)
9:40 – 9:55 ICIMOD 773: Programme for Securing Livelihoods in the Uplands and Mountains of the Hindu-Kush Himalayas Phase II (ICIMOD)
9:55 – 10:10 IFAD funded investment project: LFLP’s experience (G.Kafley, LFLP)
10:10 – 10:30 Coffee break
10:30 – 10:45 ICRAF 534: Reward the Asian Upland Poor For the Environmental Services they Provide (RUPES) (ICRAF)
10:45 -11:00 IFAD funded investment project: CHARMP’s experience(CHARM)
11:00 -11:50 Discussion and Q & A
11:50 -12:00 Closing Remarks (G.Thapa)