Policy Network Analysis Training in Ethiopia

27 - 28 May 2017, Beshale Hotel

Women packing gum for export inside the Natural Gum Marketing Enterprise in Adama, Ethiopia


CIFOR has been implementing the Global Comparative Study on REDD+ (GCS REDD+) project since 2009. Through comparative studies of REDD+ implementation around the world, the GCS REDD+ project takes stock of international, national and subnational REDD+ experiences to identify challenges and opportunities in designing and implementing REDD+ policies and projects. The first phase of CIFOR’s REDD+ research focused on overall design issues and aimed to build a strong research-based knowledge. The second phase focused on generating new knowledge to inform and facilitate process of transformational change within the REDD+ policy arena, and understanding performance of REDD+ policy processes, measures and practices. In the third phase, CIFOR aims to support REDD+ decision makers by assessing REDD+ impact and providing critical analysis of REDD+ in terms of effectiveness, efficiency and equity (3Es). Under this third phase of GCS REDD+, in Ethiopia, we plan to conduct the first round of PNA survey and in Guyana, we will start with the development of a country profile.

Ethiopia is a new site for the study where a first activity is the compilation of a country profile. During the two-day training in Addis Ababa, we worked with the consultants to have a common understanding on the research methodology, questionnaire, and database development. We also walked through operalization of network software (UCINET).



Introduction to GCS and M-1
Introduction to Policy Network Analysis (PNA)
PNA Survey
Data Management


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