The Latsis Symposium 2018 brings together some of the world’s leading forest restoration scientists at ETH Zürich to address the ecological, economic, and societal challenges for scaling-up forest restoration. It is motivated by the challenge of delivering an effective global response to two major environmental threats, climate change and forest degradation.

Principal Scientist, CIFOR
CIFOR at the Latsis Symposium 2018:
June 6 at 17:30 – 18:30: The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) Principal Scientist Manuel Guariguata will join a discussion as part as LATSIS public forum (Hauptgebäude HG (Main Building) F-Stock, Auditorium Maximum, F30)
June 7 at 13:45 – 14:30: The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) Principal Scientist Manuel Guariguata will be speaking at the “Socio-ecological challenges for scaling up forest landscape restoration: from the local to the national to the global?” session, discussing the results of recent socio-ecological assessments across Latin-American countries that highlight current constraints and propose ways for facilitating upscaling for effective implementation at various levels.
For more information, please click here.
See symposium programme here.
Register here.