Regreening Africa – Consolidating the Kenyan restoration movement
Kenya National Landscape Restoration Scaling Conference 2021 successfully catalyzed action for landscape restoration supporting a restoration movement in the country. It was held in the context of the need and urgency to create synergies among the numerous, yet fragmented restoration efforts and given the government’s restoration-related commitments. A summary of the key outcomes of the conference is available here.
The Kenya National Landscape Restoration Scaling Conference 2022 follows up on the event of 2021. It will showcase advancements of this restoration movement, take stock of the progress made on the agreed action plans from the 2021 conference, and seek agreement and commitments from actors in the restoration space on the next steps to consolidate the movement. This includes the next steps to implement the Forest and Landscape Restoration Implementation Plan (FOLAREP) 2022 -2027.