IUFRO 2013

29 Apr 2014,


The International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) and the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE) have jointly organized the Third IUFRO Latin American Congress to be held in San Jose, Costa Rica, 12-15 June, 2013. Partners in this event are the Ibero American Model Forest Network (RIABM), FAO and several IUFRO member organizations in the region.

IUFRO Regional Congresses aim to promote and strengthen science collaborations within specific regions. The particular goals are to address research needs and priorities related to forests and trees in the regional context; to promote quality research and interdisciplinary cooperation within a region; to maintain the momentum of IUFRO activities; to promote participation with scientists, organizations and students; and to strengthen the links between scientific organizations, policymakers and stakeholders regionally and nationally.

CIFOR scientists are involved in several key events during the Congress:

14 June: Keynote Address by Peter Holmgren – Director General, CIFOR

Panel 1

Global Comparative Study on REDD+ – What REDD+ looks like on the ground: Evidence from the Amazon

Introduction to GCS-REDD+ by Amy Duchelle (CIFOR) To Be Confirmed

  1. Smallholder Typology at a REDD+ project site in the Eastern Brazilian Amazon, Marina Cromberg.
  2. Conservation Transfers, Livelihoods, and Land Use: The case of Bolsa Floresta, Amazonas, Brazil, Riyong Kim-Bakkegaard (given by Amy Duchelle) To Be Confirmed.
  3. Analyzing Payments for Environmental Services as a Way to Improve Social, Economic and Environmental Resilience in Rural Settlements in Cortiguaçu, Mato Grosso, Brazil, Raissa Guerra.
  4. Livelihoods, land use land cover change and the implications for REDD+ in Brazil nut concessions in the Peruvian Amazon, Valerie Garrish.

Panel 2

Regional and domestic wood markets, their implications and how to improve forest governance (Mercados domésticos e intraregionales de madera: Explorando sus implicaciones y opciones de política para mejorar la gobernanza forestal en la Amazonia)

Pablo Pacheco (CIFOR) leads the session.

  1. Aprovechamiento forestal informal en la Amazonia Ecuatoriana asociado a mercados domésticos y transfronterizos de madera, Elena Mejia Villacis, CIFOR.
     View Presentation
  2. Aprovechamiento forestal y comercio de madera: Implicaciones para la gobernanza forestal y los beneficios de los actores forestales, Pablo Pacheco, CIFOR.
     View Presentation
  3. Aprovechamiento informal de la madera en los bosques Amazónicos peruanos, Tania García, Movimiento Ciudadano por el Cambio Climático (MOCICC).
  4. Cadenas de la madera y castaña en el mercado doméstico de Riberalta, Beni; Marlene Soriano Instituto Boliviano de Investigación Forestal (IBIF), Nataly Ascarrunz Instituto Boliviano de Investigación Forestal (IBIF), Kees van Dijk, Tropenbos Internacional.
  5. El impacto potencial de las concesiones forestales sobre el mercado de maderas tropicales: El caso Brasileño, André Luiz Campos de Andrade.
  6. ¿Puede un Tratado de Libre Comercio ayudar en la lucha contra la tala ilegal? El caso Perú-EEUU.; Julia M. Urrunaga, Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA).

Technical Oral Sessions

  • Institutional adaptation in smallholder timber management systems in Peru and Ecuador, Peter Cronkleton (CIFOR).
  • Rethinking Fuelwood: People, policy and a wood charcoal supply chain in Peru, Aoife Bennett-Curry.
  • Analyzing the social geography of multiple stakeholders in Peru’s Brazil nut forests, Vivian ZeidemannTo Be Confirmed.
  • Governance structures for ecosystem-based adaptation: using policy-network analysis to identify key organizations for information flow across scales and policy areas, Raffaele Vignola (CIFOR, CATIE).
  • Traditional Forest Knowledge: An Amazonian resource for adaptation and mitigation to climate change, Miguel Pinedo.
  • Oportunidades y retos para el manejo integrado de madera y castaña (Berholletia excelsa) en Amazonia occidental: Experiencias de CIFOR, Manuel Guariguata (CIFOR) To Be Confirmed.
  • Cinco décadas de restauración ecológica en Colombia: Un análisis retrospectivo sobre resultados, lecciones aprendidas y tendencias a futuro, Carolina Murcia (Organization for Tropical Studies, CIFOR), Manuel Guariguata (CIFOR).
  • Manejo forestal de uso múltiple en los trópicos húmedos: Realidades, oportunidades y desafíos-una síntesis global, César Sabogal (FAO).
  • A methodology to evaluate the environmental and social impacts of FSC ecosystem service certification, Sini Savilaakso (CIFOR).
  • Evaluation of forest conservation interventions: The case of forest management certification, Claudia Romero, Francis E. Putz, Manuel Guariguata To Be Confirmed.
  • Impact of logging on carbon storage and biodiversity in tropical production forests of Latin America: State of the art, Plinio Sist (CIRAD), Bryan Finegan (CATIE).