IPM strategies for Fall Armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda Smith) management

21 - 23 Sep 2022, 8:45am – 5:30pm Central Africa Time, Online conference

This online conference will bring together researchers from around the world working on Fall Armyworm (FAW) management to present their latest findings. We invite researchers, including early career scientists and those working at local institutions, to submit abstracts. The programme is organised into eight plenary sessions, each covering a different topic related to the development of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for FAW and chaired by an expert in the field. These sessions will comprise a series of oral presentations of original research followed by an extended Q&A. In addition, we will hold an online Poster session, where researchers can present ‘work-in-progress’ or smaller studies, such as student work. The poster session will involve two-minute ‘elevator pitches’, where presenters can draw attention to key findings, and posters will remain up for the duration of the conference and afterwards.