International Workshop on Bamboo Processing Technologies

06 - 20 Sep 2006,

Zhejiang, P. R. China, September 6-20, 2006

The International Farm Forestry Training Center, the International Network for Bamboo and Rattan, the Chinese Academy of Forestry and the Government of the People’s Republic of China are hosting a major workshop on bamboo in September 2006.

The workshop will enhance cooperation between developing countries and provide a forum for exchanging information about bamboo production technology, including the production of handicrafts, the application of technology and the use of machinery.

To be held in Zhejiang , the training workshop will combine courses with hands-on practice in factories and will include:

  • A general introduction to China’s bamboo industrial development
  • Bamboo and sustainable rural development
  • Processing techniques and machines for bamboo products
  • Bamboo processing machines and preservation technologies
  • The bamboo industry’s supply chain

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