The Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto, is celebrating 100 years in 2007. We believe the next 100 years will be quite different to the last. Accordingly the Faculty of Forestry is hosting an International Congress on a Global Vision for Forestry in the 21’st Century, to be held September 30-October 3, 2007.
The Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto, is celebrating 100 years in 2007. We believe the next 100 years will be quite different to the last. We believe that the next 100 years will be quite different than the last 100 years. The 21’st century will be probably known as the era of environmentalism, natural capitalism, scientific integration, globalization, and participatory governance. Naturally, in this new era, the conceptual framework of forest resource management will be different than its existing framework.
Hence, the Faculty of Forestry, on the occasion of its Centennial Celebrations, has taken up a challenge to develop a comprehensive Global Vision of Forestry in the 21’st Century. The vision will be developed through an International Congress on this subject, and the Congress will be held on September 30-October 3, 2007 in Toronto, Canada.
The organizers seeks input from all who are concerned with the future of our forests, environment, and society. The aim is for the congress to attract speakers, poster presenters, and participants from all interested groups such as policy makers, forest managers, judges and legal experts, Aboriginal people, scientists, and forestry experts from forest industry, and international and non-government organizations. The congress themes include:
1. Global Challenges, Responsibilities and Leadership in Forestry:
1.1 Challenges and Responsibilities of Political Leadership and Governance Structures
1.2 Challenges and Responsibilities of Constitutional, Legal and Policy Experts.
1.3 Challenges and Responsibilities of the Business Community
1.4 Challenges and Responsibilities of Civil Society
2. Frontiers of Science and a Healthy and Diverse Forest Environment
2.1 The Forest Environment, its Diversity and Productivity, and Scientific Challenges
2.2 Human Health and the Forest
3. Cultures, Markets and Sustainable Societies
3.1 Markets and Sustainable Societies
3.2 Culture, Ethics, and Sustainable Societies
Already 15 Plenary and Guest Speakers from around the world have confirmed. The list is available on the Congress website.
Recently we issued our "Second Call for Abstracts", and it is also available at our website:
The last date for submission of abstracts is May 15, 2007. Prizes include 3 Best Poster Awards for Students.
Further Information:
Prof. Shashi Kant
Chair – Organising Committee
Faculty of Forestry
University of Toronto