Country Profile Updating Workshop in Lao PDR

10 - 11 Oct 2017, 3rd fl. of administrative building, Faculty of Forest Sciences, Dongdok Campus

Laos sacred forest


The Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) is undertaking a Global Comparative Study on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (GCS‐REDD). This multi‐country study aims to generate knowledge and practical tools to support efforts to reduce forest emissions in ways that are effective, efficient and equitable and that generate co‐benefits such as poverty alleviation and biodiversity conservation. The research project consists of five work modules of which the first module focusses on national policies. This module consist of several components: a country profile, a media-based discourse analysis, a policy network analysis, a REDD+ policy content analysis, and a fifth flexible module for specific policy studies that respond to single country research needs.

The first component, a country profile, focuses on providing an overview of the contextual conditions that affect the REDD+ policy environment in a specific country, along with a preliminary 3E assessment of the REDD+ proposals for that country. The profile is compiled based on reviews of legislation and policies, as well as selected expert interviews. It is a collaborative work with CIFOR’s partners in civil society, government, and academia in the research countries. The country profile provides background and preliminary analysis of the context in which national REDD+ strategies are being developed.

In Lao PDR, the “REDD+ Country Profile in Lao PDR: Drivers, Agents, and Institutions” was published in 2013. Since its first publication, there has been important development on REDD+ and its related issues in Lao PDR. For instance, several new policies have been issued and working groups have been established to prepare the necessary tools for REDD+ safeguards, benefit sharing, reference emission levels, monitoring, reporting and verification system and processes. In terms of institutions, the re-organization of the forestry and agriculture sectors in 2016 has influenced the REDD+ institutional arrangement at different governance levels. On the ground, increasing agro-industrial investment has changed the forest and land uses, thus shifting the ways drivers are targeted and addressed under REDD+. These changes influence the REDD+ design and process, thus it is necessary to re-visit the country profile and updates it with current development on REDD+ in the country.

Purpose and objectives of the workshop:
The objective of the workshop is to verify the indicators based on Laos context to be used in the update of the “REDD+ Country Profile in Lao PDR: Drivers, Agents, and Institutions” published in 2013. A technical writing team will be formed after the workshop. This team will identify and discuss aspects of the country profile that will need updating, and to agree on the roles and responsibilities of different people in the team.

The specific workshop objectives are:

  1. Verify the Laos Country Profile key indicators and identify changes
  2. Identify areas of the Country Profile which requires updating
  3. Confirm the writing team and agree on roles and responsibilities in the updating of the country profile



Day 1, 10 October 2017
8.30–9.00 Welcome address
Introduction of the workshop purpose and program to the participants
9.00-9.40 Update on REDD+ status in Lao PDR
Laos REDD+ office
9.40-10.40 Presentation of the REDD+ Country Profile
The context of REDD+ in the Lao PDR: Drivers, Agents and Institutions
Research team (Dr. Thoumthone)
10.40–10.55 Coffee break  
10.55–11.15 Brief explanation about the indicators, rationale of hearing different positions that actors may have to achieve an indicator assessment that is verified by a larger group of stakeholders.
Brief explanation on ’Bumble bees’
Research team (Cifor)
11.15–12.15 Group discussions: verifying – validating the indicators
The indicator sections of the Country Profile will be provided in large paper print, each of the six sections on a different print out, so that everybody in the group can see when it is put on a table for the group work.
Each of the 3 groups will have to review 2 sets of indicators (two sections of the country profile) by allocating 30mn to each section.
Or if sufficient, participants can be split into 6 groups, each review 1 set of indicators (1 section of CP).
Research team facilitate the group discussions (NUOL, CIFOR, GIZ)
12.15–13.15 Lunch  
13.15-14.15 Report back from each group Group
14.15–15.00 General discussion: what information is still missing, how to fill, whom can provide information, etc.? Research team
15.00–15.30 Follow up plan: core writing team Research team
15.30–16.00 Closing remark NUOL
16.00–16.30 Coffee break  
Day 2, 11 October 2017
8.00–12.00 Convening writing team to discuss roles and responsibilities and procedures including timeline to update CP Core writing team


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