Congo Basin Forests Partnership Anchor Conference

08 - 09 Oct 2014, Brazzaville

The 14th Conference of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership, 8-9 October 2014 in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo, brings together a broad range of partners to share ideas and strategies on how to sustainably manage forest resources in the Congo Basin. Tropical forests can contribute to global efforts to fight against climate change, but there is a need to balance often competing interests such as the agriculture, logging and mining sectors that determine how forests are preserved or modified.

CIFOR is closely involved in the conference, organizing an “Ideas Marketplace” side event to promote exchange of experiences and thoughts about emerging themes in climate change research, adaptation and mitigation in Central Africa. Another session will feature a panel discussion facilitated by CIFOR Senior Scientist Denis Sonwa, focusing on lessons learned from REDD+ negotiations and developing responses to climate change at the regional, national and local levels in Central Africa.
