CIFOR-ICRAF@GLF Bonn Digital Conference 2020

03 - 05 Jun 2020, Online

Join CIFOR-ICRAF at the GLF Bonn Digital Conference 2020: Food in the time of crises

Solving the complex challenge generated by inequitable and unsustainable food systems is perhaps the paramount conundrum the international community faces over the next 30 years. After the No Poverty target, the Zero Hunger target is etched into the international development framework as U.N. Sustainable Development Goal 2. It presses nations to achieve food security, improve nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture. Yet, these aims will only be met if other crises are addressed — including the challenges posed by climate change and unsustainable landscape management practices — while crafting sound policies and inclusive finance strategies. At the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and World Agroforestry (ICRAF), alongside partners U.N. Environment and the World Bank, which jointly coordinate the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF), scientists are working to help countries and communities achieve these goals. Join GLF and international experts online to take part in the conversation and have your say in shaping the future.