Cifor Events at the UNFCCC cop19

29 Apr 2014,

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The nineteenth Conference of the Parties (COP) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was held 11-22 November in Warsaw, Poland. CIFOR participated in the events below. CIFOR also reported on these discussions and events throughout the COP. Please check for coverage.



Peter Holmgren, CIFOR Director-General interview on Climate Change TV

Thursday, 14 November

11:30am – 1 pm
National Stadium

Linking Adaptation and Mitigation to Address Multiple Risks – New Research Findings and Field Examples

Organiser: CIFOR and IFRC

CIFOR, IFRC and partners presented new research findings and field examples on how synergies and trade-offs between adaptation and mitigation are addressed in projects, policies and funding. For event proceedings, please click here.

CIFOR participation: Bruno LocatelliGiacomo FedeleAnne-Marie Tiani as speakers,Markku Kanninen as moderator

Friday, 15 November

10 am – 12 pm
University of Warsaw

Getting REDD+ Off the Ground: Challenges and Opportunities

Organiser: CIFOR

The event provided a platform for discussion on implementation challenges experienced by REDD+ sub-national initiatives, and what can be done to overcome these. CIFOR presented key findings of a survey undertaken this year asking representatives of 23 REDD+ proponent organizations about the challenges they have encountered. For event proceedings, please clickhere.

CIFOR participation: William Sunderlin as speaker