CIFOR Agenda in WCC

06 - 09 Oct 2008,

1. Forest Pavilion: “The Other Food Crisis” – Bushmeat
6 October 2008, 20.00 – 21.00

The Other Food Crisis
Monday, 6 Oct 2008, 20.00-21.30

Speakers :

  • Tim Christophersen, CBD
  • David Brown, ODI
  • Liz Bennett , WCS
  • Nathalie Van Vliet, CIFOR
Topic: The Other Food Crisis Time

Welcome and introduction by Chair person

Frances Seymour, CIFOR Director General

Presentation 1 Tim Christophersen, CBD

  • International governance and policy context, in particular upcoming opportunities for progress on this issue in the framework of CBD, UNFF, FAO (COFO and WFC) and others.
  • The diverse values of wildlife
Presentation 2 Nathalie Van Vliet, CIFORTopic/Overview:

  • Methodological caveats for estimating the sustainability of hunting and the potential contribution from research to the topic.
  • Livelihoods interests to national policy and management arrangements.
Presentation 3 David Brown, ODI Topic/Overview:

  • To link Nathalie’s and Tim’s preferences with livelihoods interests to national policy and management arrangements.
  • To links to international policy and governance.
  • Lessons learnt and ways forward.
Presentation 4 Liz Bennett, WCSTopic/Overview:

  • Commercialization and the impacts of that on sustainability of hunting: in the context of biodiversity conservation
  • Local livelihoods (short and bow more to David and others to cover that)
  • The links with logging and other extractive industries: case examples of success stories of projects addressing this on the ground, to give some positive news too,
  • Lessons learned and ways forward.
Floor discussion: A & Q, facilitated by moderator

Closing 5’
Total 90’

2. 673 – Participatory Modeling for Sustainable Landscape at CIFOR
7 October 2008, 09.00 – 13.00 (under Learning Opportunities)

Computer based simulation models are being increasingly used to understand and explore options for achieving multiple benefits from diverse landscapes. They enable the economic trade-offs between achieving conservation goals and meeting the livelihood needs of local people to be made explicit. They enable stakeholders to ask "what if" questions. They can help sharpen the focus of conservation interventions – telling us where to invest our limited conservation resources. Models also are repositories for information and enable us to track the changes in the different flows of goods and services that landscapes provide. This session is for those experimenting with participatory modelling. It will bring them together with resource people from specialized institutions to review the state of the art of participatory modelling and learn about how these techniques can be deployed more effectively and more widely in support of natural resource conservation.

Time Event Content Facilitator / Trainer
09:00 Session 1
Opening Session
  • Objectives of this workshop, overview of the agenda and participant introductions
  • Welcome and opening remarks by Jeffrey Sayer (IUCN)
Bruce Campbell, Director, Forests & Livelihoods Programme, CIFOR
09:20 Session 2
Using Participatory Modeling – Setting the Scene
  • Why do participatory modeling? – Bruce Campbell (15 mins)
  • Using Participatory Modeling to Solve Complex Problems – Marjan van den Belt (15 mins)
  • Facilitated discussion (15 mins)
Bruce Campbell, Director, Forests & Livelihoods Programme, CIFOR
Marjan Van Den Belt, Mediated Modeling Partners, LLC
10:05 Session 3
Introductory practical exercise
  • Introduction to the case: anti-poaching or governance reform in Cameroon conservation landscapes
  • Participants explore using the model
Marieke Sandker , Autonomous University of Madrid

Coffee Break

11:00 Session 4
Case examples of participatory modelling
  • Modeling Catchment Processes and Balancing Stakeholder Interests in Northern Australia – Neil Collier (15 mins)
  • Xxxxxxxx – Marjan van den Belt (15 mins)
  • Facilitated discussion
Neil Collier, Charles Darwin University, Australia and Marjan Van Den Belt, Mediated Modeling Partners, LLC
11:45 Session 5
Practical Exercise
  • Participants run models and explore the outcomes of diverse conservation models – modeling carbon payments in Ghana landscpaes
Marieke Sandker , Autonomous University of Madrid
13:00 Lunch

3. Forest Pavilion: “Tracking Outcomes in Forest Landscapes”
7 October 2008, 13.30 – 14.30 (under Alliances Workshop)

Many field interventions in developing countries now operate at large spatial scales and deal with complex land cover mosaics. They frequently aspire to both improve local livelihoods and conserve the environment. However, there is little evidence about the effectiveness of these approaches. Monitoring and evaluation methods typically emphasize either the state of species (or ecosystems), or simply project deliverables and project outputs. The session will explore the crucial need to go beyond deliverables/outputs so that outcomes from conservation and development activities are tracked. We will highlight some potential methods of tracking outcomes.

Tracking Outcomes in Forest Landscapes
(draft program structure)
Tuesday, 7 Oct 2008, 13.30-14.30


  • CIFOR: Bruce Campbell
  • RRU: Brian Belcher
  • WWF: Dominique Endamana
  • IUCN: Antoine Eyebe
  • AUM: Manuel Ruiz Perez
  • CDU: Arturo Izurieta
Topic: Tracking Outcomes in Forest Landscapes Time Time

Welcoming Speech:

Chair: Bruce Campbell, Director, Forests & Livelihoods Program, CIFOR

Presentation 1 Presentations:
“Why Track Outcomes” by Brian Belcher (RRU)
Case Study 1 “Assessing outcomes in Cameroonian Conservation Landscapes”
Speakers :
– Dominique Endamana (WWF)
– Manuel Ruiz Perez (AUM)
– Antoine Eyebe (IUCN)
Case Study 2 “Participatory Monitoring for Joint Management in the Northern Territory, Australia” by Arturo Izurieta (CDU) 10’
Open Discussion  + Closing “Can we Improve Outcomes Tracking?” 15’
Total 60’

4. 2008 World Resources Report Launch

7 October 2008, 15.00 – 16.00

World Resources 2008 builds on World Resources 2005: The Wealth of the Poor. That Report showed that ecosystems can become the focus of a powerful model for nature-based enterprise that delivers continuing economic and social benefits to the poor, even as it sustains the natural resource base. Evidence shows that poor rural families empowered with secure resource rights can increase their income stream from nature significantly with prudent ecosystem management.

WRR 2008, entitled Roots of Resilience: Growing the Wealth of the Poor, outlines what is necessary to allow such nature-based enterprises to scale-up so as to have greater impact—geographically, economically, politically. It identifies three critical elements: community ownership and self-interest; the role of intermediate organizations in providing skills and capacity; and the importance of networks—formal and informal—as support and learning structures. It outlines specific actions that governments at all levels can take to encourage and support such change.

The Report argues that properly designed enterprises can improve rural livelihoods and, in the process, create resilience—economic, social, environmental—that can cushion the impacts of climate change, can keep communities rooted, and can help provide needed social stability.

These are critical findings and important messages as the world confronts the growing impact of climate change, increased inequality in the face of expanding regional and national wealth, and the impact of increased consumption on basic commodities.

5. 1525 – Poverty in the Midst of plenty – The paradox of the Congo Basin & Samdhana
7 October 2008, 16.30 – 18.00 (under Alliances Workshop)
Cyrie to present


The second largest tropical forest ecosystem; invaluable for its biodiversity richness and its ecological functions; more than 3 million cubic meters of logs exported annually representing revenues of more than $……millions annually; many other natural riches found and exported from these countries (e.g.: oil, minerals, agricultural produce, etc.); low population density; yet high level of poverty with more than 60% of the population living on less than 2$ a day.
What is wrong in the Congo Basin?

6. ACSC Working in a World of Trade-offs
7 October 2008 , 18.30 – 20.00 (under Alliances Workshop)


  1. Increase our knowledge about trade-offs
  2. Facilitate exchange and dissemination of ideas/findings
  3. Create alliances and linkages

Draft Agenda:

  • Welcoming Speech : Bill Adams, University of Cambridge
  • Opening Remarks : Jonathan Fanton (President) – MacArthur Foundation
  • Why understanding trade-offs is important
  • Why Macarthur sees it as important
  • How will Macarthur apply the findings
  • Video story of Trade Offs (from Peru)
  • Stations – Discussion on different topics (see Topics)
  • Closing remark : Bill Adams


  • People and Parks – How have ICDPs changed in perception & practice? (Katrina Brandon & Micheal Wells)
  • Donors – How could/should donors shape conservation and development trade-offs? (Dan Miller)
  • Biofuels – When and under what circumstances do Biofuels make sense? (Manuel Pulgar Vidal)
  • Perceptions of trade-offs – Who are the beneficiaries of conservation? (Ann Kinzig)
  • Living Example – The How, what and why of conservation & development trade-offs: The case of the Lower Mekong (Bruce Campbell, T. Sunderland & M. Ruiz Perez)
  • Resource extractiob – How are decisions about resource extraction considered in the conservation matrix of 3 different national contexts (Tran Chi Trung, A.Songorwa, B.Monteferri,P. Hirsch & T.Maclin)

7. 113 – Sustainable Papua Initiative – Samdhana
7 October 2008, 18.30 – 20.00 (under Alliances Workshop)
Frances Seymour to present

The session will cover the following themes: Forest Governance, Forest Tenure and Rights, and REDD:

It will be on: Balancing interests: Papua Peoples’ Experiences in a frontier conservation and biodiversity landscape fraught with poverty amid plenty; a growing industry (forest production and plantations, mining, gas and oil) and REDD potentials, strong IP rights; but rising challenges in governance and special autonomy.

The Governor and his team (conservation and forestry) will be there, and we will bring print outs of key documents which describe Papua’s current learning from collaboration with bilateral, multilateral, NGO and conservation agencies.

8. TRAFFIC event: Economic and Social Drivers of the Wildlife Trade, and the effectiveness of interventions aimed at reducing illegal and/or unsustainable trade by addressing those drivers
8 October 2008, 11.30 – 13.00 (Terry/Christiane to present)

The event is based around a TRAFFIC study that has recently been carried out with funding from the World Bank looking at the Economic and Social Drivers of the Wildlife Trade, and the effectiveness of interventions aimed at reducing illegal and/or unsustainable trade by addressing those drivers. A report of this study is currently being finalised and will be launched shortly before the Congress. The rationale behind the study was to better understand what drives the trade in wildlife in order to help governments, NGOs, and others trying to address illegal and unsustainable trade to design their interventions with these drivers in mind. At present, in many cases actions to stop or reduce illegal and unsustainable trade in wildlife are based on assumption of what drives trade and what the most effective inventions are. This project aimed to challenge these assumptions and to move towards a more evidence based strategy to choosing appropriate interventions.

The study was based on a survey of expert opinion of trade in a variety of products in Southeast Asia. The resulting report raises some fundamental questions about the nature of wildlife trade, its importance to livelihoods, and responses to different approaches to reduce illegal and unsustainable trade. Our event at the WCC, which is being co-convened by the World Bank, will explore the study’s findings and the assumptions underpinning current approaches to addressing wildlife trade concerns. Participants will be asked to help chart next steps in understanding the underlying drivers of wildlife trade, and in encouraging greater collaboration in generating knowledge and sharing of lessons learned to ensure that future wildlife trade interventions are increasingly based on evidence instead of well-intended, but potentially misplaced, beliefs.

9. 1250 – Beyond protected areas, beyond conservation: the value of the ecosystem approach to broader debates – IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management
8 October 2008, 18.30 – 20.00 (Jean Laurent to present)

Contribute to awareness of and discussion on what RBA to conservation is, and how (under what circumstances/ with what processes, methods, and tools) it can be a practical and effective approach for conservation policy and programming, including within the IUCN network. This session will present conceptual framework for RBA to conservation and also an overview of lessons learned in broad review of cases.

10. Planning Meeting: “Tracking Outcomes in Forest Landscapes”
9 October 2008, 08.00 – 12.00 at the Husa Barcelona Mar Hotel

A planning meeting for the project “Developing More Effective Methods for Assessing Conservation and Livelihoods Outcomes in Forest Landscapes”. There will be a review on the proposed activities and making plans for the implementation in Cameroon and Laos.

11. 649 – Exploring issues and opportunities in Rights based approaches to conservation – UNDP ‘Poble’ Venue
9 October 2008, 14.30 – 16.00

The conservation community is being called upon to take stronger measures to respect human rights, and has new opportunities to demonstrate its critical and positive contribution to protecting and fulfilling rights. It is increasingly recognized that certain approaches to conservation can undermine rights (e.g., through forced relocation), but also that conservation can support procedural rights (e.g., information and participation) and be essential to realizing substantive rights (e.g., health and an adequate standard of living). .

Conservation is also critical to the fulfilment of the right to a healthy environment. The questions around rights-conservation links, however, remain very open. How do we ensure that conflicting rights-conservation interests can be practically reconciled, and that synergies can be strengthened? What is a "rights-based approach" (RBA) to conservation, and is it an effective avenue for addressing these links? Innovative views and approaches exist, but should be further discussed, developed, and applied by the conservation community and its partners in a learning mode. In this event, a panel will introduce the concept of RBA to conservation; share a series of cases and efforts to develop and implement rights-based approaches to conservation; and provide examples of relevant tools and methods. The audience will be encouraged to participate in sharing their own experiences and discussing a way forward.

  • Welcome and chaired by Frances Seymour, Director General, CIFOR
  • Overview: An introduction to Rights based approaches by Jessica Campese (CEESP/IUCN)
  • Middle East Case: RBA to enhance rights and local level accountability in water management by Peter Laban (IUCN), Buthaina Mizyed (IUCN) and Omar Zayed (Palestinian Water Authority)
  • Africa Case: Applying RBA to conservation: experience from CARE’s rights, equity and protected areas programme in Uganda by Phil Franks (CARE)
  • Asia Case: RBA to conservation in Nepal: Buffer Zones and CCAs by Sudeep Jana (CDO), Stan Stevens (U Mass).
  • Latin America Case: Rights-Based Conservation in the Bolivian Chaco by Donaldo Vaca (CABI), Narciso Roca(Kaa-Iya Management Committee), and Michael Painter and/ or Oscar Castillo (WCS)
  • Reflections on Case: Grazia Borrini-Feyerabend and TGER member TBD.

12. Informal Discussion “Tracking Outcomes in Forest Landscapes” – Broader Stakeholder Meeting
9 October 2008, 17.00 – 19.00 at the Husa Barcelona Mar Hotel

Informal Discussion “Tracking Outcomes in Forest Landscapes” – Broader Stakeholder Meeting
9 October 2008, 17.00 – 19.00


  • CIFOR: Bruce Campbell, Jean Laurent
  • IUCN: Jeff Sayer
  • RRU: Brian Belcher
Topic: Tracking Outcomes in Forest Landscapes Time Time
Welcoming Speech
Chair: Bruce Campbell, Director, Forests & Livelihoods Program, CIFOR
Presentation 1
“The challenges for M&E and outcomes assessment” by Jeff Sayer (IUCN)
Presentation 2
“Objectives and Methods – Clarifying what we want” by Brian Belcher (RRU)
Case Studies
  1. Landscape Mosaics Project – Jean Laurent
  2. (TBA)
  3. (TBA)
18.00-19.00 Discussion:
– What are the research and implementation gaps in M&E?
– How can outcomes be best measured?
Total 120’

13. Book Launch: “Beyond Timber: Certification of Non-Timber Forest Products”

10 October 2008, 15.00 – 16.00 at the Bookstore Lounge, 2nd Fl.

Beyond Timber: Certification of Non-Timber Forest Products is a valuable contribution and a practical guide for communities, researchers, policy makers, and donors interested in assessing the value of investing time and effort in the still elaborate and costly process of gaining independent international recognition of sound management practices directed to harvest of non-timber forest products (NTFPs).

Beyond Timber does not attempt to mask the difficulties of obtaining NTFP certification. The numerous case studies and examples cited by the book (drawing from 11 countries), make it clear that certification is still a major undertaking and challenge, especially for isolated forest communities. This book is especially helpful because it effectively identifies gaps in knowledge, community organizational capacity and legislation that still stand in the way of sound forest management. It also points out the false dilemma of having to choose between timber and non-timber forest management

Bruce Campbell, CIFOR