Building scenarios of the future: Forests in landscape mosaic

18 - 28 Apr 2005,

Debub/Wondo Genet College of Forestry, in collaboration with:
Center for International Forest Research (CIFOR)
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
Charles Darwin University (CDU)

Invitation to Workshop/field course (PhD level) April 18-28, 2005


Building scenarios of the futureInterdisciplinary and action oriented approaches are gradually gaining ground and acceptance as important tools in developmental research. In this international research and training course/workshop we will provide an overview and explore some of those approaches by working with local people to build visions of the future and to identify tasks ahead if any of the visions are to be achieved. To build these visions we will use such techniques as scenario building backed up by simulation modeling. The final day of the course is a stakeholder workshop involving key officials, local villagers and researchers/course participants. Some reference literature will be provided before the course and participants be expected to contribute to a multi-disciplinary paper by the end of the exercise.

The course is hosted by Debub/Wondo Genet College of Forestry (WGCF), Ethiopia in collaboration with the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Charles Darwin University (CDU) and Center for International Forest Research (CIFOR). It is directed towards PhD students and researchers with a focus on developmental and multidisciplinary issues in relation to forests, land use and livelihoods in the tropics.

How to apply: For practical reason the number of participants (national and international) cannot exceed 20. Researchers and students who are interested to participate should apply through e-mail (see attached format below) not later than March 7, 2005. For submitting applications and for further information, please contact Dr Mats Sandewall, SLU,, phone (international participants) and Dr Melaku Bekele, WGCF, phone +251 6 109903 (Ethiopian participants). Pls send cc. of all applications to Dr Takele Deresse, SLU/WGCF

Practical arrangements: The course takes place at the Chilimo Forest about 2 hours drive west of Addis Abeba. Transport from Addis (on 18 April a.m), free accommodation in a camp during the course and return trip to Addis (on April 28 a.m) is provided by the organizers. There is no course fee but an input of 100 USD is required by the participants to cover food arrangements during the course period.

Organization and facilitation:

Chief facilitator: Dr Bruce Campbell, CDU/CIFOR
Course arrangements and co-facilitation:
– Dr Melaku Bekele, Debub/WGCF
– Dr Habtemariam Kassa, CIFOR
– Dr Mats Sandewall, SLU Umeå

Application format:

  • Name and address.
  • Home university and university where you are currently registered as student (if other) or where you work as researcher (if applicable).
  • Educational background.
  • Title of PhD thesis project.
  • Experiences linked to developmental issues.
  • Motivation for applying to the course.
  • Other relevant information.

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