Agenda for the event on forests and climate change

23 Apr 2008,

Asia-Pacific Forestry Week
Hanoi, April 23, 2008, 08.30 -12:00 (Room 313)

Session I: Forests and Climate Change Mitigation

"Reduction of emission from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD): A readiness index for a full implementation", by Dr. Daniel Murdiyarso, CIFOR Environmental Services Programme, Indonesia.


Main questions to be addressed:

  • What are the implications of Bali conference for the forest sector in Southeast Asia?
  • What are the governance and livelihood issues related to REDD?


  • Dr. Nguyen Hoang Nghia (Forest Science Institute, Vietnam)
  • Dr. Nur Masripatin (Ministry of Forestry, Indonesia)
  • Dr. Markku Kanninen (CIFOR Environmental Services Programme, Indonesia)

Session II: Forests and Climate Change Adaptation

"Vulnerability of forests to Climate Change: Current research in tropical areas", by Dr. Boone Kauffmann, Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry, US Forest Service.



  • Main questions to be addressed:
  • What are the main climate-related threats to tropical forest in Asia, and their consequences for forest-dependent communities and economic sectors?
  • What are the policy options for reducing vulnerability?


  • Dr. Nguyen Van Tai (Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Vietnam) (tbc)
  • Dr. Rex Cruz (University of the Philippines, College of Forestry and Natural Resources)
  • Dr. Allen Solomon (US Forest Service)