52nd Annual Meeting of The Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation
12 – 16 Jul 2015, Hawaii Convention Center, Honolulu, Hawaii
CIFOR invites you to its presentations at the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation in Honolulu.
The focus this year is on islands, where ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to global warming, invasive species and sea level rise. Because local communities are also vulnerable in this context, the meeting emphasizes both biological and cultural heritage.
Understand what happens when forests are transformed into agricultural lands.
Learn about the balance between conservation and development in the last untouched forests of West Kalimantan.
Explore the systematic map putting tropical landscapes approaches under the microscope.
Discover what it takes to make a difference in tropical landscapes in case studies from around the world.
Co-hosted by
Monday, 13 July 2015
Symposium 2: Integrated Landscape Management: From Theory to Practice
10:00-12:00, Room 301A
Terry Sunderland
James Reed
Chaired by Terry Sunderland, this session will bring together academics and field practitioners to share experiences as to the how, why and wherefore of implementing successful landscape-scale initiatives on the ground.
James Reed will present What are integrated landscape approaches and how effectively have they been implemented in the tropics: a systematic map.
Tuesday, 14 July 2015
Open Session 10: Human Dimensions of Tropical Landscapes
13:30-16:00, UPMC Jussieu – Room 301A
Liz Deakin
Liz Deakin will present The new agrarian change? Exploring the dynamic interplay between forest conservation, food security and commodity production in tropical forest landscapes.
This new research uses a landscape-level approach to explore the livelihood and food security implications of land-use change and agrarian change processes in six tropical countries.
Thursday, 16 July 2015
Symposium 27: Consequence of Rainforest Transformation in the Southeast Asian Archipelago
09:15-11:45, Room 308AB
Nicolas Labriere
This session presents the consequences of transforming rainforest into agricultural systems in order to serve as a baseline for sustainable conservation strategies.
Nicolas Labriere presents Balancing conservation and development in the last frontier forest of West Kalimantan (Borneo) under less predictable climate conditions.