2018 Asia-Pacific Rainforest Summit Media Training Workshop

21 - 25 Apr 2018, The Alana Yogyakarta Hotel and Convention Center

Ahead of and during the 2018 Asia-Pacific Rainforest Summit (ARPS), the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) will hold a training workshop for local and regional media outlets. The event will include interactive lectures with senior scientists on topics, including sustainable forest and landscape management for economic opportunities (green economy), forest governance, restoration, climate change and the Paris Agreement, financing for forest conservation and bioenergy; one-on-one interview opportunities with leading scientists, policy makers and project managers; and the chance to cover the 2018 APRS.

APRS is a biannual event, which brings together key government, business, civil society and the research community to catalyze practical action on forest conservation to help achieve sustainable development in the region. The 2018 APRS will be held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, and provides a good opportunity to hold a media training with journalists working in Indonesia featuring CIFOR’s leading scientists. The 2018 APRS theme is “Protecting forests and people, supporting economic growth” with seven subthemes: Forests in NDCs; Restoration and sustainable management of peatlands; Mangroves and blue carbon; Community forestry; Ecotourism and conservation of biodiversity; Production forests; and Forest finance, investment and trade.

By the end of the workshop, journalists will:
• Have more knowledge on forestry in relation to climate change issues in the region.
• Better understand how science research can help to shape policies and practice.
• Present environmental/forestry stories from various angles, write or produce stories that are relevant, accessible and appealing to audiences.


Day 1, Saturday, 21 April 2018
07.30–08.00 Registration: Hotel Alana  
08.00-08.15 Introduction:

  • Society of Indonesian Environmental Journalists (SIEJ)
Facilitator: Nabiha Shahab
08.20-09.30 Forest and climate change: Synergy between Mitigation and Adaptation Hety Herawati
09.30–10.30 Current status: Assessment of subnational REDD+ initiatives on the ground
Current status: REDD+ performance assessment. Experiences from Indonesia, Vietnam, Myanmar and Laos
Cynthia Maharani
09.30–10.30 Current status: Financing for forest conservation (REDD+ and finance) Sinthia Arwida
10.30–10.45 Coffee break  
10.45–11.55 Current status:
Peatland restoration in Indonesia
Meli Fitriani Saragi Sasmito
12.00–13.00 Lunch  
12.00–13.00 Latest progress: Bioenergy in Indonesia Himlal Baral
14.10–15.00 Natural Primary Forest for Climate Change Mitigation Dr Haruni Krisnawati, (MoEF)
15.10–15.20 Coffee break  
15.30–16.30 Community-based peat and Fire Management Dr Zahrul Muttaqin (MoEF)
16.50–05.15 Behavioral experiments with communities to understand how rights to forests and resources shape people’s behavior and encourage them to manage their forests sustainably Sanata Darma university climate change center
18.30–21.00 Group dinner  
Day 2, Sunday, 22 April 2018
07.30–08.00 Field Trip Lobby Hotel Alana Yogyakarta
  Destination #1: Sendangsari village’s community forest, Pajangan distric, Bantul regency
Community forests have a range of benefits such as furniture and firewood and can contribute to global climate change mitigation. It is pursued as a rural development strategy in many tropical forest regions worldwide. Community forests are now seen as a way to resolve critical land challenges and to increase the income of the community.
  Destination #2: Baros Mangrove Conservation Area, Bantul regency
Mangrove conservation in Jogjakarta became a public concern when a group of youths in Baros (KP2B) started their movement to conserve local mangrove forests in their area. The Baros mangrove forest is a conservation area and an important protected forest in the southern coastal areas of Bantul district. It is also plays a role in supporting the surrounding communities.
18:30–21.00 Meet the Press with MoEF  
Day 3, Monday, 23 April 2018
  Reporting from Asia-Pacific Rainforests Summit  
Day 4, Tuesday, 24 April 2018
  Reporting from Asia-Pacific Rainforests Summit  
Day 5, Wednesday, 25 April 2018
  Field Trip  

Related website: https://www.cifor.org/asia-pacific-rainforest-summit-2018/