2017 landscape governance course

03 - 17 Apr 2017, CIFOR Headquarters

Apply now for 2017 landscape governance course – scholarships available

Applications are now open for an international course on “Landscape Governance”, to be offered by Wageningen University, ICRAF and CIFOR from 3-17 April 2017 at CIFOR headquarters in Bogor, Indonesia.

For more information about the course and how to apply, click here.

A limited number of scholarships is available. Apply as soon as possible to take advantage of this opportunity.

Forested landscapes worldwide are increasingly integrated in global processes of trade, market development, resource exploitation and climate change. This course aims to challenge forestry and natural resource management professionals to adopt an integrative perspective, to look beyond the forest, and to build bridges between the public and the private sectors.

The annual course is jointly offered by the Centre for Development Innovation at Wageningen University, the Netherlands, the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), and the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF). The course is hosted by CIFOR on its campus in Bogor, Indonesia.