16th International Peatland Congress are 3-6 May 2021. The Congress will take place in the Tallinn Creative Hub.
The format of the Congress will remain as planned. Alongside the scientific programme, the IPC2021 will include the Industry Summit, PEAT-talks, excursions and mid-congress fieldtrips, a student programme, exhibition and several social and networking events. The photo contest is up and running and you all have the opportunity to submit your work via the Congress website until the end of March 2021.
The abstracts submitted for the 2020 Congress that have been accepted by the Scientific Committee will retain their status for the 2021 Congress. The authors will receive detailed instructions from the Congress Secretariat at the beginning of June in case the authors need to update their short or extended abstracts. The Scientific Committee of IPC2021 has also decided to open additional abstract submission in October 2020. This serves to give new authors the opportunity to present their work at the Congress. Exact guidelines will be published on the Congress website.