Palm oil and migrants: Learn from The Guardian chat

CIFOR’s Pablo Pacheco joined a panel of experts in a live online chat on migrants and oil palm, hosted by The Guardian Sustainable Business, on 17 February.

The palm oil industry depends on migrant labor, but migrant workers are vulnerable to exploitation and abuse, pointed out Pacheco, a Principal Scientist whose research examines various aspects of the palm oil industry in Latin America and Indonesia.

The Guardian live chat attracted nearly 100 questions and comments from readers, with responses from expert panelists exploring various issues.

Read up on the comments and questions here.

Further reading:

The state of oil palm development in the Brazilian Amazon: Trends, value chain dynamics, and business models

Managing oil palm landscapes: A seven-country survey of the modern palm oil industry in Southeast Asia, Latin America and West Africa

Social impacts of oil palm in Indonesia: A gendered perspective from West Kalimantan