Invitation: Stakeholder survey on data needs for AFOLU GHG monitoring

Strengthening Independent Monitoring of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Land Activities

CIFOR and partners are currently comparatively analyzing the many initiatives of global monitoring systems on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and removals from the agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU) sector. Our focus is on user needs. Therefore we are conducting a research study on the usefulness of various datasets and the importance and utility of diverse data characteristics for different types of stakeholder groups. This is part of the EU funded research project: “Strengthening Independent Monitoring of GHG Emissions from Land Activities for Publishing, Comparing and Reconciling Estimates”, which is a collaboration of Oeko Institut, Wageningen University, IIASA and CIFOR.

For this purpose we have designed an online user survey. Your input in this survey can help us define the different stakeholder views and needs. This will enable us to derive recommendations for more efficient and effective monitoring systems which often need to be tailored to multiple uses, stakeholders and users. We estimate that it will take you approximately 15 minutes to complete the survey.

The survey can be accessed here

Your participation in the survey is greatly appreciated and we are looking forward to your response, preferably before the 6th of April. Your responses will be kept strictly confidential and will only be used for the purpose of this research project.

If you have any questions or technical difficulties accessing or submitting the survey, please email and