The coming year will be a crucial time for science that impacts forests and people. Following consensus on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Paris Agreement in 2015, and the ratification of the climate agreement in 2016, this year will call for research and evidence to support policies that can put these global goals into action.
With this in mind, the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) has defined its priorities for 2017 in a new publication. CIFOR Priorities 2017 lays out CIFOR’s research objectives for the coming year, based on ongoing work and goals for the future. Following the CIFOR Strategy 2016-2025, the priorities for 2017 are based on the Center’s three pillars of research for impact, capacity development and outreach and engagement.
Research going forward has been designed around six thematic areas, which are aligned with the SDGs to maximize global impact under the new climate and development agenda. Areas of research focus this year will include: climate policy, gender and forest management, forest landscape restoration activities, migration, bushmeat, responsible finance and more.
There will be integration in all of CIFOR’s work of the landscape approach, as a cross-cutting and holistic framework for reconciling competing interests in landscapes. This approach will be developed further under the growing initiative of the Global Landscapes Forum, with plans for the establishment of a new hub in Bonn, Germany.
As always, CIFOR in 2017 will continue to advance research on forests, landscapes and people, with an eye to bringing positive impacts to the landscapes and communities where we work.
We are looking forward to sharing more insights and impact related to our work in months to come.