CIFOR joins regional partners at Asia-Pacific Rainforest Summit

The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) is joining partners from the Asia-Pacific region at the 2016 Asia-Pacific Rainforest Summit, due to be held from 3-5 August in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam.

CIFOR’s Director General, Dr Peter Holmgren, will deliver a keynote speech at the opening ceremony on 3 August, and will be involved in a panel discussion with regional leaders on the role for forests in responding to commitments made under the Paris Agreement. Dr Holmgren will also join discussions on 4 August on the opportunities for public-private-people partnerships for forest conservation in the Asia-Pacific.

View the full agenda here.

CIFOR staff scientists will contribute their expertise by hosting and participating in sessions at the event.

Dr Pablo Pacheco, Principal Scientist, will moderate a session on ‘Taking deforestation out of the supply chain while including smallholders’, exploring opportunities to secure business models that empower smallholder production and improve livelihoods in the palm oil, pulp and paper, rubber, cocoa and coffee sectors.

Prof Dr Herry Purnomo will moderate discussions on ‘Inclusive forest industries for a green economy’, looking at timber value chains, forest certification, legality assurance and how markets can provide greater incentives for inclusive and sustainable forest products and services.

Current CIFOR research on community forestry in Indonesia will also be shared by Dr Dede Rohadi in a session on success stories in this area from across the Asia-Pacific.

This year’s Summit is the second of its kind. The first Asia-Pacific Rainforest Summit was hosted by the Australian Government in 2014 in Sydney, Australia. It resulted in the establishment of the Asia-Pacific Rainforest Partnership, a regional initiative committed to slowing, halting and reversing deforestation in the Asia-Pacific region, while reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation as a contributing cause of climate change.

The 2016 Asia-Pacific Rainforest Summit is hosted by the Brunei Darussalam Government Ministry of Primary Resources and Tourism and is supported by the Australian Government Department of the Environment and Energy. CIFOR is involved as the science and engagement partner


For more information, view the event website here.

To engage in the event as it unfolds, follow live reporting from CIFOR on Twitter @CIFOR, and use the hashtag #APRS16.