
CIFOR-ICRAF principles for successful tree planting

Meeting the food security challenge for nine billion people in 2050: What impact on forests?

Fostering natural forest regeneration on former agricultural land through economic and policy interventions

Where are the women? A review and conceptual framework for addressing gender equity in charcoal value chains in Sub-Saharan Africa

Human activities link fruit bat presence to Ebola virus disease outbreaks

Asynchronous carbon sink saturation in African and Amazonian tropical forests
Forests news

How nature steps in to refill ‘empty forests’

Peatlands as a safe haven for rare and threatened biodiversity

Q+A: Nutri-scapes Transformative Partnership Platform a recipe for better nutrition

How tree growing can mitigate environmental impact of displacement

Tree planting critical, but can’t fix climate change on its own

Agroforestry ‘basins’ stir up big benefits for women in Kenya drylands

Elikya, l’enfant de la forêt (version en lingala)

INDONESIA’S SECRET FORESTS: Underground water world

International Day of Forests

DRC: Producing charcoal briquettes from sawmill waste

COVID-19 and what it means for wild meat

Forest Film Festival 2020

Quantifying the direct contributions of forests to diets in Zambia: sharing preliminary result from a CIFOR-FAO project

Paludiculture to support peatland restoration in Indonesia

Impact of the pandemic situation on ASEAN response to potential fire and haze events

Steps towards self-standing Blue Carbon emission reporting and mitigation targets under the Paris Agreement and VERRA

La gobernanza de los bosques y la participación de las mujeres indígenas

Gender transformative rights-based approaches for sustainable landscapes (glf bonn 2019)

Indigenous Communities: respect for land steeped in traditions

Forests 101: The green infrastructure sustaining the life on earth

Women farmers, the unsung heroes

Our food system, is it sustainable?

Why the energy and food nexus is critical in refugee contexts

10 Preguntas Para Entender Por Qué Necesitamos Más Manglares, Más Que Nunca
In Depth

Indonesia’s secret forests: Underground water world
The coastal karst landscape of Gunung Sewu houses a secret: large networks of underground rivers and caves that provide pristine water to forests and farms above ground.
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The world’s largest desert lake and a disappearing way of life
Years of drought in Kenya are forcing nomadic people to abandon their traditions and cluster in villages around the world’s largest desert lake – Lake Turkana. Sometimes, their new livelihoods add to environmental degradation and climate change.
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Komodo tourism: More than just dragons
Seeing Komodo dragons in their natural habitat is a major driver of tourism to the island. But as tourism increases, it becomes harder to conserve and maintain this unique landscape.
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Can tree planting save our planet?

FTA 2020 Science Conference Forest, trees and agroforestry science for transformational change

GLF Bonn Digital Conference: Food in the time of crises

GLF Biodiversity Digital Conference: One World – One Health

Covid-19 and What it Means for Wild Meat

Forest Film Festival | December 2020
Social media

Agroforestry land restoration technique improves food security in Honduras:

FTA: Landscape restoration goes far beyond simply planting trees :

REDD+ en Péru:

Biodiversity Day:

Dispelling the top 7 tree planting misconceptions:

Twitter Scientist-Takeover:

Secret forests: Underground water world

The Secret of Tamanu Oil:

Explore the World of Forest Foods:

Daniel Murdiyarso, 2020 Recipient of Habibie Prize for Engineering Sciences

Regreening Africa