Listen to TRADE Hub researchers’ stories in CIFOR’s podcast

In an attempt to reach a wider audience, the TRADE Hub research team is discussing research activities and results through podcasts catchily named Bincang Hutan. Two episodes are already available for Indonesian audiences, with more podcasts to follow.

  1. In the first episode, Mengelola Perdagangan Komoditas Berisiko Bagi Hutan or Managing the Trade of Forest-Risk Commodities, Sonya Dyah Kusumadewi of CIFOR-ICRAF and M. Miftah Rahman of IPB University discuss the global trade in agricultural commodities and its roles in community well-being and forest and environmental preservation.
  1. In the second episode, Mengupayakan Perdagangan Burung Kicau Berkelanjutan or Promoting a Sustainable Songbird Trade, Beni Okarda of CIFOR-ICRAF and Ivanna Febrisa of Burung Indonesia discuss songbird species traded in markets and dynamics of the songbird trade in Indonesia.