Kaala Bweembelo Moombe

Senior Researcher

Kaala B. Moombe is a forester and works for CIFOR as a Senior Researcher with the Sustainable Landscapes and Livelihoods team. Kaala has expertise in forest biophysical assessment, participatory forestry, and institutional analysis. His development and research work covers the following themes: the political economy of timber and woodfuel production and international trade (focusing on market structure and conduct); forest carbon assessments for REDD+; institutional assessments (woodfuel production and trade, decentralized forest management) for generating data/information for the Zambia National REDD+ strategy; local community participation in forest resources assessment (testing participatory tools and approaches) for Zambia’s REDD+ strategy; and landscape approaches for biodiversity (forests, wildlife) conservation in Sub-Saharan Africa. His current key research interest is in landscape political economy and ecology. He is currently focusing on contestation in the context of landscape approaches, especially how the notion of resistance (public and infrapolitical) affects the prospects of narrowing the gap between theory and implementing/practicing integrated landscape approaches.