The second Global Landscapes Forum, to be held on the weekend in the middle of the UNFCCC's COP20, will convene more than 1,500 participants to discuss landscapes approaches and their potential for informing the future UNFCCC agreement and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. CIFOR is coordinating the forum in partnership with UNEP and Peru’s Ministry of Environment, and it is supported by several leading international groups. Click here for more information about this event.

Opportunities are still available to host sessions and have exhibition space. Apply here.

The continued lack of a common reference point to establish the status of forests — whether old-growth, selectively logged, or agroforestry plantations, for example — will hurt future environmental endeavors, researchers write. This can engender a “false sense of accomplishment” when the forests that are reported to cover substantial portions of tropical landscapes barely resemble “old growth.” Read more here.

To adapt to climate change, is it ‘baby steps’ or ‘one giant leap’? At what point do we stop pursuing incremental changes in favor of disruptive, transformative change? Do transformations occur only when it is too late? And what even constitutes a ‘transformation’? Though these distinctions may appear purely academic, they could have significant policy implications, experts say. Read more here.

T20Q is a global project that invites you to nominate the most important research questions for forestry and landscapes. So far, some 1,300 questions have been submitted to help guide the future of knowledge by making sure we ask the right questions. 

Have your say now and invite others to do the same — your voice deserves to be heard. is CIFOR's online portal for original news, views and research on forests and climate change


SBSTA: An analysis

Crossroads and climate negotiations – adaptation and mitigation meet in Bonn
During the Bonn session, Parties seemed more accepting of the synergies and linkages between mitigation and adaptation. Recognition of the link between adaptation and mitigation has been argued for inclusion in the Paris Agreement, and it can be expected that the discussion will be ongoing into the October ADP inter-sessional (ADP 2-6) and COP 20. Read more here.

UNFCCC REDD+ Negotiations: Non-Carbon Benefits are still on the table
Parties agreed that Non-Carbon Benefits (NCBs) are important to the long-term sustainability of REDD+, but strongly disagreed about the need for any specific guidance for incentivizing such benefits. Read more here.

Join our growing online community by following @ForestsCC and signing up to monthly updates here.

How are forest communities adapting to climate change? A new toolkit developed in part by CIFOR researchers enables development practitioners to find out. The CRiSTAL-Forest toolkit — now freely available for use here — can guide policy interventions to allow for adaptive governance and to include local strategies, needs and knowledge in adaptation planning. Read more about the toolkit here.

Jobs at CIFOR

New job vacancies at CIFOR this month:

Director, CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees, and Agroforestry (FTA)

Resource Development Specialist

Scientist – Governance of Furniture Value Chains

General Call for Applications – Science Roster



Local uses of tree species and contribution of mixed tree gardens to livelihoods in Saleman: Village near Manusela National Park, Seram Island, Maluku (Indonesia)

Timber legality verification and small-scale forestry enterprises in Indonesia: Lessons learned and policy options

The non-industrial palm oil sector in Cameroon

Adaptation and mitigation policies in Cameroon: pathways of synergy

Land-use planning in the Moluccas: What of customary tenure security?

Only money talks: How REDD+ discourses in the Nepalese media overlook the politics of policy making and governance


Upcoming events

The 3rd Regional Conference of the Society for Conservation Biology - Asia Section
19 – 22 August 2014, Melaka, Malaysia

FSC General Assembly
7 – 14 September 2014, Seville, Spain

Colloquium on Forests and Climate: New Thinking for Transformational Change
24 September 2014, New York, USA

The CGIAR Development Dialogues
25 September 2014, New York, USA

Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)

CIFOR advances human well-being, environmental conservation and equity by conducting research to help shape policies and practices that affect forests in developing countries. CIFOR is a member of the CGIAR Consortium. Our headquarters are in Bogor, Indonesia, with offices in Asia, Africa and South America. | CIFOR blog

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