A new book released today details real-world stories of efforts to reduce carbon emissions in tropical forest countries through REDD+, a leading near-term option for slowing climate change. In the book, available here, CIFOR scientists and partners analyzed 23 REDD+ initiatives around the world—and revealed surprising lessons about how they fared in the absence of an international agreement and funding.

Safeguards are intended to ensure the first rule of REDD+: Do no harm. How many are there? How do they work? Read this primer on one of the most important topics at COP20.

  • THE GUIDANCE DEBATE: An expert explains Parties’ conflicting positions over further guidance on REDD+ safeguards.
  • URGENT ACTION: Time to stop putting off safeguards discussions, says CIFOR researcher.
  • DRILL DOWN: For policy makers and practitioners, timely analysis of REDD+ safeguards from multiple angles.

As climate change leads to global sea-level rise, mangroves’ adaptability could be hugely beneficial—yet these trees are being lost at a rapid rate. Watch a video of CIFOR scientists getting their hands—and more—dirty to see how mangrove forests could help protect coastlines against rising seas.

  • AT COP20: CIFOR scientist Daniel Murdiyarso will discuss a new publication on coastal wetland projects, at a side event on 9 December. Click here for details.
  • AT COP20: A discussion will highlight capacity building as part of efforts to conserve and restore coastal ecosystems, at a side event on 8 December. Click here for details.

As REDD+ moves into the broader landscape, success will require reform beyond forestry to include tenure and other aspects of governance. REDD+ practitioners will need to seize the opportunities and confront the challenges that arise, CIFOR Director General Peter Holmgren writes.

Registration has sold out with almost 2,000 people already booked to be there — but you can still watch our live video feed of the biggest gathering of the world’s top experts in forestry, agriculture, science and development: Go to landscapes.org/live for details.

Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo is under pressure from encroachment and exploitation, leading to loss and degradation of forests in the park. A new project, “Forests and Climate Change in the Congo, seeks to address that by focusing research efforts on agroforestry that increases tree cover and diversity outside the park’s borders.


REDD+ on the ground: A case book of subnational initiatives across the globe

Estimating carbon emissions for REDD+: the conditions for involving local people

Operationalizing REDD+ Safeguards: Challenges and opportunities

The legitimacy of multilevel governance structures for benefit sharing: REDD+ and other low emissions options in Peru

Guiding principles for delivering coastal wetland carbon projects

Analysis of REDD+ policy networks in Peru

Who holds power in land-use decisions?: Implications for REDD+ in Indonesia

The experience of conditional cash transfers: Lessons for REDD+ benefit sharing

The context of REDD+ in Peru: Drivers, agents and institutions

Lessons from local environmental funds for REDD+ benefit sharing with indigenous people in Brazil

Further guidance for REDD+ safeguard information systems?: An analysis of positions in the UNFCCC negotiations


Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)

CIFOR advances human well-being, environmental conservation and equity by conducting research to help shape policies and practices that affect forests in developing countries. CIFOR is a member of the CGIAR Consortium. Our headquarters are in Bogor, Indonesia, with offices in Asia, Africa and South America.

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