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CIFOR scientists join radio broadcast on tenure reform in Indonesia

National broadcaster RRI (Radio Republik Indonesia) hosted a radio discussion on tenure reform from 19:30-20:00 on 11 November 2017, featuring researchers Tuti Herawati and Nining Liswanti from the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR).

Listen to the broadcast here (in Bahasa Indonesia):

Broadcast through the regional station RRI Pro-1 FM Bandar Lampung, the discussion focused on the implementation of tenure reform with the aim to secure the rights of forest-adjacent communities in the province of Lampung, where the scientists are conducting research as part of CIFOR’s Global Comparative Study on Forest Tenure Reform (GCS-Tenure). The main avenue for implementation in the province has been through a government Social Forestry program, which was discussed in detail during the broadcast.

Also joining the discussion were Ir. Syaiful Bachri, MM, Head of the Lampung Forestry Office; Ir. Warsito, MM, from the Lampung Social Forestry Working Group and Ir. Edi Kariza from the non-governmental organization WATALA (Keluarga Pecinta Alam dan Lingkungan Hidup, or Friends for Nature and the Environment).

During the dialogue, Ir. Syaiful Bachri stated that Lampung is a pioneer in the implementation of Social Forestry programs in Indonesia, having secured the legal management of 184,000 hectares of forest by 110,000 families. He praised the scheme for encouraging cooperation between governments and communities, from governments granting legitimate forest management rights to communities, to communities helping the government in its aims to restore and conserve forests.

CIFOR scientist Tuti Herawati gave analysis from her research team’s results so far, saying there are indications that the Social Forestry program in Lampung had made positive impacts on community livelihoods, even providing the main source of income for some families. Ecologically, the scheme has also showed positive contributions to increasing the amount of forest cover, she said.