Workshop on Mobilising Wood Resources 11 – 12 January 2007

11 - 12 Jan 2007,

A two day workshop, “Mobilising Wood Resources: Can Europe’s forests satisfy the increasing demand for raw material and energy under sustainable forest management?” is to be held at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland.

A two day workshop, “Mobilising Wood Resources: Can Europe’s forests satisfy the increasing demand for raw material and energy under sustainable forest management?” is to be held at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. A feature of the event will be a workshop related to Vienna Resolution NO. 5 on "resource mobilization and comprehensive wood utilization strategies in support of SFM”. Objectives include developing strategies for mobilizing wood amid increasing demand, better understanding how increased wood mobilization affects different sectors, providing policy recommendations and offering input for the 2007 Warsaw Ministerial Conference. Participants will include representatives from a range of stakeholders including governments, EU institutions, international organizations, forestry services, forest owners, contractors, forest based industries, pulp & paper industries, energy companies, NGOs, research organizations and universities.

Further information:

Palais des Nations
CH – 1211 Geneva
Tel. +41-22-917 1286
Fax +41-22-917 0041