The Koli workshop 2008: Forests in the changing environment. 3-5 September 2008, Koli, Finland

03 - 05 Sep 2008,

The workshop is an integral part of the Work Programme of the Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe (MCPFE) and it lays a basis for a regional contribution to the eighth session of the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF). The workshop will provide an excellent opportunity for experts in forestry, natural resources management, biodiversity, climate change, land-use and economic development to exchange their views on the theme “Forests in the changing environment”, which will also be the overall theme at the eighth session of the UNFF.

The output of the workshop will be presented at the European Forest Week (20 – 24 October 2008) and at the MCPFE Expert Level Meeting (12 – 13 November 2008). The second announcement of the workshop (attached) contains further information, including the workshop programme.

The workshop will be conducted in English.

The workshop is organised by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in Finland in close cooperation with MCPFE Liaison Unit Oslo, and with financial contributions from the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

We kindly ask you to register to the workshop by 18 July 2008 through the workshop website

The participants are requested to take care of their own travel arrangements. Attached you will find practical information related to travel and accommodation arrangements. Kindly note that reservations for accommodation should be made by 25 July 2008.

More information:

Contact Person
Heikki Granholm, Counsellor of Forestry